Monday, July 6, 2009
Conversation: Consolation
In the 5th week of the Illustration Academy, Chris Payne gave a really fun & open assignment: illustrate two people in a conversation. He stressed the correct use of photographic reference, and encouraged each student to get "good" models (of which, Chris was one of the best examples, as he gladly appeared in many of our references with hilarious and dramatic facial expressions and gesture).
I chose a conversation between two women at a funeral, one comforting the other over a grim loss.
final sketch
(I was happy that it was very close to the first thumbnail!)
value study in charcoal.
color study using the same media (nupastel) and paper that were also used to created the finish.
detail of the pastel version.
I also decided to work on another version, applying the masking fluid technique Anita Kunz showed in her demo. This one's done in watercolor and ink.
detail of the hair in the ink/watercolor version.