I've already shown my final sketch and value study for "Slice of Life in Sarasota," which was the first assignment at Illustration Academy, meaning things are a bit out of order, but here are some of the thumbnails made previously to that stage.
For this particular project, the thumbnail stage was greatly emphasized as an way to pour out ideas and quickly put them down on a piece of paper. I made about 40 of them.
Skipping through the rest of the process work, here are two finishes I painted in gouache and watercolor, respectively.
One of the requirements was that each individual shape has to be flat and that the rendering or shadow of an object much not interfere with the silhouette. Gouache was the perfect medium for executing a flat image and it felt like I had traveled back in time to my freshman year at RISD, working on similar composition/shape/color exercise (which was also in square format) in gouache.
I had a desire to create another version in watercolor, so I gave it a shot. It was a good practice for planning ahead laying down my paint to achieve flat shapes.
I was fortunate to come across the lady walking her three beautiful hounds while I was shooting photos for inspiration. At the time I was just excited to pet the dogs and have fun for that moment, but that afternoon left a lasting impression and became a direct inspiration for this project.
Finally, huge thanks to Corrin, for driving me to downtown bay area!